Tuesday 19 March 2013

90's rerun

As we all probably know by now 90's fashion is making a comeback.  It's difficult to go into a shop lately without seeing a crop top of some variety. The ones I'm seeing most frequently are ones like this, the high neck stomach baring crop top.
Even the jumpers in this trend are belly baring, like this one for example

This is a style of top and jumper that I will not be wearing because ,quite simply, I don't have the body to wear it.

Another reason I don't think I'll be embracing this 90's trend is the fact that my 29 year old self remembers the 90's quite clearly....I think I'm just too old for this trend.

Maybe this trend brings back bad memories for me of fashion faux pas of the past, since back in the 90's I was more preoccupied these guys than with fashion

I'd like to know how other people feel though. Is this trend simply for the young and the slim? Do you think there are ways to make it work when you're slightly older?


  1. I'm 24 and a size 8 and I wouldn't be seen dead in 90s style clothes. The 90s were the worst for style!

  2. I kind of agree with you there, the 90's were not a fashion high point in my opinion

  3. No, I really hope this trend doesn't catch on!
    Thank god someone else out there isn't too fond of it, it seems everyone else is looking back at the 90's with rose tinted glasses and forgetting how AWFUL some of the clothes were!


    1. I was half afraid to blog about not liking this trend.You're right,people do seem to have rose tinted 90's glasses on !
